Archeology and Art History Laboratory
The director of the Laboratory is Mr Ioannis Papadatos, Assistant Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology
Contact details:
Telephone: 210 7277401
Email: gpapadat[at]arch.uoa[dot]gr
The course of Environmental Archaeology was taught for the first time in Greece in the 1980s at the University of Athens by L. Karali. After many years of efforts, the Laboratory of Archaeoenvironmental Studies was founded in 2003 according to the Presidential Decree No 104468/B1/2003 (OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE HELLENIC REPUBLIC, 6/10/2003, No 1445).
The Laboratory of Archaeoenvironmental Studies (EPA), is accommodated in the group of offices within the Library of Archaeology and History of Art on the 6th floor of the School of Philosophy of the University of Athens (office 647), and belongs to the Department of Archaeology of the Faculty of History and Archaeology (University of Athens). It aims at the training of students in the study and recording of the collection material as well as in the use of corresponding handbooks and special instruments. The environmental collection of the laboratory consists of archaeobotanical and archaeomalacological material, as well as of human and animal osteological material. Moreover, this space hosts a library and technological equipment.
The laboratory has as its mission the laboratorial and scientific support of research and practice for the undergraduate and postgraduate students who take Environmental Archaeology as their major module. It collaborates with Laboratories, Research Units, National and International Higher Education Institutions, and with scientists and students from other departments of the University of Athens on issues related with Archaeoenvironmental Research. It undertakes field surveys, but also academic research programs. It organises scientific conferences, symposia, seminars, lectures and meetings with distinguishedscientists and collaborators.
The Team for Environmental Archaeology of the University of Athens
The Laboratory of Environmental Archaeology houses the dreams of a group of archaeologists who aim at their training in the study of archaeoenvironmental material. The team is being constantly enriched and renewed with new students who would like to work with the particular area and at the same time it assists older members with their first scientific steps. The team members actively participate in events related to Archaeology and the Environment, in an effort to awaken the public environmental awareness with the production of informative posters and booklets.
Environmental Archaeology online
In step with the above initiatives, a database was created which includes all the published archaeoenvironmental data from the prehistoric excavations from Greece, and in which the users can find whatever they search for with the use of suitable keywords. Moreover, a website was created on the internet where the activities of the Team for Environmental Archaeology of the University of Athens are posted. This information aims at contributing in the reconstruction of the environment and the ancient landscapes through the comparative study of archaeoenvironmental remains.